Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bring me your cheese and your wine...

Well, this is interesting, to say the least! I'm sitting in an internet cafe in Paris, freaking out over the crazy keyboards. You know how I said the keyboards in England were different? Well, in France they're not even QUERTY. They're AZERTY. If my typing speed was slow before, heaven knows what it is now...! To add to the challenge, the computer is set up in French, and you can't change it, so I'm spending half my time translating the screen.

Everyone else went off to the Moulin Rouge tonight, but I wasn't inclined to pay 130 euros for the pleasure of a dinner I probably wouldn't eat and a bunch of semi-naked people. Before coming here, I went next door to the supermarket, and - although identifying food on the shelf - found myself struggling when the checkout chick fired off something in rapid French while pointing at the banana I was attempting to purchase. I asked her to repeat herself. She did. Still unintelligible. Damn. We reached an impasse, where we stared at each other for a moment, before she rolled her eyes and marched off with the fruit, returning a moment later with a barcode sticker stuck on it. Apparently you weigh and barcode your own fruit and veg here before taking it to the checkout... The things you learn, eh?

Other than that little hiccup, things have been going quite well. I managed to purchase tissues, throat lozenges and Nurofen from a pharmacy without resorting to English, and ordered and paid for a meal in Versailles 99% in French. I'm very proud of myself : ) I saw the Palace de Versaille and the Eiffel Tower today, did a night tour of the city yesterday and I'm going to a perfumery and up to the top of the Tower tomorrow. Chicago - for those whom I have not spoken to directly - was entertaining, though the stage was small and the set was... minimalist, shall we say?

Anyway, that'll be it from me for now. I have photos to upload and dinner to eat. A demain!


Gem said...

Les checkout chicks sont moins intelligentes qu'en Australie? C'est pas possible.

Qui est-ce le boudin qui a qui a imaginé le clavier stupide? AZERTY indeed.

Yes this is as far as my french is taking me.

Thanks for spending all your credit on me.


mummy dearest said...

Hey Laura...
Am thoroughly enjoying your blogs. You're whetting our appetite for travel and who knows... this could be us in the near future.

Unlike Gem... I won't speak in French ... it's toooo hard. Such a tricky language.

Looking forward to your next installment.