Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Au Revoir Paris, Hello Ol' Blighty

So, we've just got back into England after two and a half hours on Eurostar, and let me just say that the trip was very comfortable and comes highly recommended (especially at 40 euros a pop). I've been receiving your text messages, but over the past couple of days my mobile's been having probs sending anything, hence my lack of replies.

To maman, in answer to your questions:

1. Detergent makes things feel cleaner, but water alone works alright in the short term.
2. French newspapers have French politicians on the front, not celebs. English papers have football/rugby players or the McCanns (of missing Madeline fame).
3. French TV seems to consist primarily of talk shows, sport and music videos. Half the music videos are from the UK and US, the other half are local.
4. Clothes are lovely, but expensive. I bought a coat from Zara (equivalent of, say, Sportsgirl) for 70 euros, which was reasonable (and hey, it's a nice coat), but that's the exception rather than the rule, price wise.
5. I didn't eat any chocolate while I was in Paris. Why? Because their food is so rich, I couldn't stomach it. Imagine living on pastries and vegies cooked in butter and so forth. I felt ill by the time we left. At least back in London, fresh(ish) fruit and veg is easy to source, and Pret A Manger is everywhere.
6. Didn't see many poodles in handbags, but heaps of pampered pooches on leashes, and in grooming salons! The French really do love their chiens :)
7. Teenagers don't dress up (clearly they're going through their rebellious phase), but all the children and adults are tres chic. Thankfully, with so many other travellers around, I never felt too underdressed.
8. The Metro is cheap as chips - 1.50 for one trip anywhere in the city, 5ish for an unlimited day pass. It's fairly quick, clean and efficient, though their signage is a bit hit and miss (we caught a few trains in the wrong direction thanks to arrows pointing in vague directions). Paris is fairly flat and easy to walk around, too.
9. No, they don't have wine with every meal. Why would you? Complimentary water is always provided. Same goes for lovely, crusty baguettes - yum. Yes, I know I shouldn't eat them, but gluten free options in Paris are as rare as hens teeth. Not all women are thin in Paris, but you don't see many that you would call fat, per se. Certainly didn't see any obese Parisiennes in my travels.
10. Architecture in Paris is gorgeous - so many beautiful old buildings and almost no mid- to late-twentieth century eyesores that you see in most cities. They've preserved their heritage well, despite the uprisings and revolutions. Lots of wrought iron lacework, beautiful stone carvings, and HEAPS of chandeliers. The French love them.

Okay, moving on to new news now! Our stay at the Baltimore was very, very nice. Cushy beds with feather doonas and feather matress underlays (like sleeping on a cloud), hardwood flooring in the bathroom, complimentary chcolates on our pillows (get Gem to say it for you, for the right effect) and room service continental brekkie included. It was very hard to leave this morning!

On our first day in town, Rach and I attempted to shop. However, we soon discovered that Paris shuts down on Sunday morning. One shop in five was open. So we headed down to the Musee de Rodin, where we wandered around the beautiful gardens, ate afternoon tea in the cafe and checked out the collection inside the big old mansion. I also had fun renaming the sculptures... Afterwards, we found the only open shops - under the Pyramid at the Louvre. Did some shopping at the Virgin Megastore there and found the French equivalent of the National Geographic store, which was selling these brilliant illuminated faux flowers. I really wanted to buy some, but getting the adaptors and shipping it all home would have been more trouble than it's worth...

We tried to do a night trip up the Eiffel Tower, but the queue was ridiculously long, and we were due to meet Saph for dinner and a movie, so we gave up and put it on the to do list for the next day. Had dinner at Paradis du Fruit - if you eat anywhere in Paris, eat here. The food was gorgeous and the prices weren't too shabby (especially considering it's just off the Champs Elysees). Then we headed back onto the main street (the CE) to see Stardust. The particular cinema we went to does original versions with French subtitles; a rarity in France, where dubbing is king. The movie was entertaining, though Saph says it's nothing like the book (the SMH review had said something similar). Then we grabbed ice cream at Haagen Dasz. It's a testament to the 24 hour city that Paris is (well, except Sunday mornings) that we still had to queue for service there at 1am on a Monday morning...!

Yesterday we were supposed to be going to Disneyland, but Rach woke up with an upset stomach, so we had to call it off. That was okay, though - when we opened the blinds it was pouring, which in continued to do all day and into the night. We bummed around in the hotel, but went out to dinner at a cafe with a nice view of the Arc de Triomphe.

Okay, I'm seriously draining my bank account with my internet time here (it's a lot more pricey in London than in France) and Rach is waiting (im)patiently for me, so I must be off. Will leave you with some photos:

Stuck in the middle of the Champs Elysees - Paris traffic is crazy and pedestrian crossings are used at your own peril.

At the gardens of the Palais de Versailles.

Did I mention the French like chandeliers?


mummy dearest said...

I sent you this amazing long letter and it got lost in cyber space. I'll send you a short one to make sure I'm doing this properly. Then I'll re write my long one. Wonder if I can remember everything I told you! LOL mum

mummy dearest said...

Ah Ha! It worked. Stupid me. Now, what was I saying...

Oh yes. You write a good letter. You should start writing your great novel! Get to work.

The weather looks like great travelling weather. Lucky you. Looks like you're having a ball. You've certainly whet our appetite for travel... might need to have you hold our hands just a little when we go.

Dad has just got a new sexy black Nokia phone... very slim line. Doesn't take photos though. The TV was on the blink but super dad is fixing it now. I can hear plaintiff cries from the family room, so it may take a while! Had a storm last week and lost all the stations. Hope this won't happen every time it rains. Damn digital arial!

Have you been keeping up with Idol? Tarasai left on Monday night. Looks like she fell out of favour with the judges big time. Matt, Carl, Marty and Natalie are left. I think Carl might win. He's very good although not really an idol. But that happens every year.

Gem's been looking at these gorgeous Irish dancing dresses on line. She might be thinking of dancing in comps again, me thinks!

Grace is doing journeys again this year for English. Emma and Ten Things. I think school is OK for her, though the full days are tiring. Yesterday she crashed, and slept for ages.

We had some clinic changes. Now I'm doing Kellyville Tues, Rouse Hill Wednesday and Baulkham Hills Thurs. Home visiting Mon and Friday.

I have walked home from work twice now (9 kms) and it's a good walk, though my left ankle gets very painful at times. I'm still seeing Alan for it. I strap it before walking.

Well... your photos look great. Your letters and SMS's and phonecalls are wonderful. We feel like we're somehow partly on a journey too. It's great.

Look forward to the next blog.

Better go and cook dinner. Hope Rach is better. Not nice being sick when your not on home turf.

Oh, I meant to say, You seem to be coping with a bit of wheat, which is good. It makes me wonder if there's some other allergy around Sydney. Hope your feet are remaining good. Do you need to put dressings on your heels anymore?

I'll chat soon. Dad, Gem and Grace will talk to you separately.

LOL mum xxx

Gem said...

don't listen to mum. i'm not competing. that would be too embarassing for words, i'm rubbish. but i'll show you these dresses when you get home. they're silverlode, just so i don't forget. based on lotr.

i borrowed the gold plated dvd of the set dance from geraldine (the choreography was $1000, if it gets into the wrong hands i'm dead meat) but i don't know if it'll work on the computer. i'd ask you to fix it but you're not here to do it!

so you have got my msgs, but you just can't respond? talk to me woman!

paris sounded lovely. can't wait to hear about the grande pomme.