Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

So it's the end of October - boy is the year flying by! Even faster now that I'm in a new country every week...

Rach and I have settled back in to London for a few days - this place really does feel like home. It's easy to get around and people speak English and there are Aussies everywhere (which could be seen as a bad thing, if you're looking to get out of Oz).

Since I last blogged, we got locked out of our room (key card was corrupted, they had to get a locksmith in to reconfigure it), had a pub dinner (oh London pubs, how I've missed thee!) at the Cambridge hotel in Covent Garden and headed round the corner to see Atonement at the cinema (depressing movie; makes me glad I never finished the book), wandered down Oxford Street while racking up a credit card bill at H&M and Topshop, checked out Trafalgar Square, had lunch at TGI Friday's (Oreo milkshakes FTW) and - most importantly - called Vodafone and got my messages working again! Gem, I'm sorry for sending you a test message at some ungodly hour! I really should look at the time before I call. Fail :(

Mama - I'm doing okay on the wheat, it seems. Clearly, I am simply allergic to Sydney! I haven't had to dress my feet at all - the skin is pink and scarred, but it hasn't broken open (though it does itch occasionally). I'll stop there before we enter the realm of Too Much Information.

Pa - can't wait to see the new phone. Does this mean you've graduated from the old green screen??? :D You and Mum need to get travelling - you'd both love the museums and galleries in Paris...

Islamiah - don't forget to show me those dresses! They sound kinda cool... Also, five twenty-firsts in two weeks, with four costume themes? Sucks to be you... Hee.

Gra - miss you, too, kiddo. You'll be stoked with what I got you in Paris!

Grandma, Allie, Ros & Dave - postcards are written, but need to be posted. I've been a bit lax on that front, sorry!

Off for dinner now, then I'm having catch up drinks with Butters in Fulham while Rach goes to see the 3D Nightmare Before Christmas at Leicester Square cinema.


p.s. Looked over the old entries and notice the shocking amount of typos. Please excuse these - it's a combo of unfamiliar keyboard layouts and my rush to get in and out of the internet cafe before they fleece me : )


Kathy said...

Hi Laura. Lost my last google account somewhere

Kathy said...

OK... so now this new one is working. Honestly, I need to write down my password. Anyway... hope SWAHS is OK with me using this email address for my account. What do you think?

Great to hear from you once again. I sent you a reply this morning but google didn't identify with me so another blog lost in cyberspace.

Anyway... you sound like you're having so much fun. I wonder whether you'll be heading back to London to work?!! You've certainly whet our appetites for travel. But I need you as a tour guide.

How's your latest accomodation? Central? Comfortable?

Good old Halloween. We ate all the trick or treat "treats" that we bought just in case someone knocked at the door.

Dad suggested that you could get an "Abbey Road" photo of ?4 of you crossing the road. Are we in the right town for that?

I was on the radio this morning. I wrongly guessed Nick Cave to the Mystery voice and chatted to Adam Spencer about Glenhaven. I'll have to ring more often and become a radio star. The answer was John Bell. (Buggar).

Grace gets tired from her long days at school and she crashes in the late afternoon til mid evening. (Still sleeping now)

Gem's gone out with Julienne tonight. So it's just dad and me for dinner (til Grace wakes up later on).

So you think you can Dance is on the telly. Dad fixed the TV. Thank goodness. (simple little error).

Not much news here. But we're all enjoying all your holiday news. Will leave off here. LOL mum xxx

mummy dearest said...

Managed to reset my google account... so expect more replies from now on and SWAHS are not going to have to worry.

Seen any nice jewels lately?


mummy dearest said...

OK. Dad is coming home tonight. Allie is on the mend and may be discharged tomorrow or Tuesday. Grant will drive her home from hospital! An interesting weekend. Dad stayed with Gail and Grant. Both Allie and G+G want to make peace. I think everything happens for a good reason. Allie getting sick. Dad flying to Melb. G+G picking him up from airport and putting him up for the night. Dad has Grant's spare key. Leaves it with Allie. Grant picks up his key from Allie. Let's hope it's a happy ending.

Look forward to hearing from you soon. Grand Canyon tomorrow? Have a brilliant time. Missing you lots.

LOL mum

mummy dearest said...

Ps. There's a response to one of your previous blogs.... I sent this morning. To Make sense of my latest blog response

Unknown said...

Hi Laura,

Have been enjoying your blogs, and printed them off for Grandma to read.

Blogging is as new to me as Facebook, and all this "new" technology is driving me nuts!

Today I realized that I could read all the comments, and add my bit, so I'm feeling very clever (...not).

I though Kathy was signing off with "Laughs Out Loud" - yes, even acronyms can be misinterpreted.

We had a surprise visit from your Dad on the weekend, but sent him home, last night, with Allie's health on the improve.

How's NY? Can you get used to tipping everyone? Or is that a misconception?

Looking forward to your next instalment...

Love Ros