Sunday, October 28, 2007

Moving house...

Last night was the last "official" night of the Contiki trip, though most of the group had left us a couple of days beforehand, and boy did we pack a lot in! I got up at the crack of dawn to brave a French laundromat, which meant I got down to brekkie before all the good food was gone : ) I managed to nab a fruit'n' yoghurt combo, a banana, a chocolate croissant and a couple of glasses of water - probably the most substantial brekkie I've had since leaving Australia.

The laundromat (la lavorie en Francais) was an experience. I didn't realise that once you had paid, shutting the door of the washing machine would start the cycle... and there's no way to stop it. Hence, my clothes received a water wash only. On the upside, I saved 40 centimes (Euro cents) on washing powder. Then there was the dryer, which cost 50c per cycle, and took about six cycles to dry my clothes. Can't wait to get home to a nice, normal laundry!

After washing duties were complete, I headed out with Rach and Claire to the Catacombes. Wow. Amazing. Freaky, eerie, drippy, but amazing. I got some pretty good photos, which hopefully I can add in next time. They're uploading at the moment, but once again I'm on a schedule.

After the Catacombes, I rushed across town to Notre Dame to meet the other Rachel (who from herein will be known as Saph to prevent confusion), who had come up from Brittany to visit. We grabbed lunch in a cafe while contemplating a climb up the Notre Dame bell tower, but ended up giving this a miss, as we were supposed to meet Claire and Rach at the Musee d'Orsay at 2:30 and were pushed for time. So we wandered up the Seine in the cold and admired the architecture, got a little lost, but eventually got to the museum. We waited... and waited... and waited. Eventually I sent Rach a WTF are you message, and found out that they were stuck in a tunnel on the metro. To cut a long story short, we waited a bit more, and eventually they showed up.

The Musee d'Orsay is a must for art lovers. There was a full room of Monet, a full room of Van Gogh, a room of Rembrandt... and so many more that I can't recall off the top of my head. I took lots of piccies though, to make you all jealous : )

In the evening we all met up with Erika, Ariella, Joanne and Charissa for a cruise along the Seine. Great fun, but ABSOLUTELY BLOODY FREEZING. It would have been under 10°C and I don't think any of us (except maybe Claire) were adequately prepared. Then it was off to dinner, where we took the set menu - a good budget option if you're in Paris, as food's a bit pricey. Food was pleasant, as was the company. Then it was back on the Metro to Pierre et Marie Curie station, and into bed.

Gotta rush now - check out time's in 15 mins. Will write again soon.




mummy dearest said...

Hi Laura

To save the hassle of creating an account, this is Daddy Dearest using MD's.

Love your word pics. Just a tad jealous of you throwing in Paris place names like they're everyday haunts ... but mostly really happy that you're having such a great time by the sound of it.

There was a 2 page spread in the SMH on the weekend that I was going to draw your attention to (What do see/do In Paris) but I reckon you've covered most of them already! Maybe you can give them a few extras ... In the meantime, Mum and I are are getting some pretty itchy feet!

Nothing too exciting happening here. Brunch with Gem in Willoughby and a stroll down to Middle Harbour was pleasant yesterday. All zonked from daylight saving starting. 30 something degrees today, but 10 sounds so much more romantic. (As long as you have one of those Audrey H fur coats, huh!)

No doubt the real MD will add something later tonight (she's at the physio). Keep sending those texts/pics/blogs .. but only after you've exhausted yourself first. :-)


mummy dearest said...

...What are we doing here working day in/ day out. Over where you are sounds a whole lot more fun. You can be my tour guide when I go.

So the big question is: does one need to use detergent when washing one's clothes or does water suffice? I reckon we've all been conned by all these soaps, shampoos, conditioners etc all these years.

Yeah! As dad says: daylight saving really wiped us out. Siestas all round. Today is day 3 of the new time regime so we're slowly adjusting.

Have you watched French TV? Read French mags/ newspapers? Are Brad and Angelina on the front pages of every mag in Paris too?

What about clothes/ shoes? Have you been tempted to get some French labels? What are their equivalent stores to ours? What about chocolate? Is it Cadbury's, Lindt or other? What does the typical French person look like? Do they all have poodles poking their noses out of handbags and baskets? Do people "dress up" or "dress down"? Who are the music stars, movie stars, and what are the "must- see" shows? What's public transport like and how expensive is it?

When are you booking your return journey to Paris? Have you started writing your "Almost French" novella? Have you slept well? What have your rooms been like? What differences have you found with little household appliances etc?

Do the French always have wine with their meals? Any fat French women (just to blow the theory) ?

Decor? Architecture? We were watching some thing on TV on 4 Corners about a French aviation expert and it showed him driving at night through the streets of Paris. Looked very pretty and the Eiffel Tower was all lit up like you said. But disconcerting driving on the other side of the road.

The Australian Dollar is now worth 92.3 cents US. Highest in 27 years.
"Let's go Shopping!" as per Temptation.

Well, I write this at 6.45 am. Got to get ready for Kellyville clinic. We have a meeting this afternoon and a re-shuffle of ECC clinics. I reckon I'll lose Rouse Hill. Some girls only have one 1.5 hour clinic a week. I have 3 x 3 hour clinics... can't be greedy!

Speak to you soon. Am enjoying you blogs very much.

LOL mum xxx

ps: Hi to all your travelling companions.

mummy dearest said...

Ded sent you another blog but once again lost it in cyberspace. We expect that you are in New York now and are very excited for you.

On the home front, Dad has flown to Melbourne yesterday.Allie went to hospital by ambulance with (heart) atrial fibrillation. She is still there. Seems a bit better today. All tests have come back normal except her Pancreatic enzymes... so further tests.

Gem, Grace and I are having a low activity day at home today. Heavy, heavy rain last night... beautiful and sunny today. So Sydney!

Loved all your photos.

Speak soon.